Fęrsluflokkur: Bloggar


In English class we whare working in groops and writeing about animals. Me, Daniel and Tinna made a project about pandas. We decided to write about pandas because if you are against pandas then you are against black and white people, vegetarians and Asian. I learnd many things about pandas like there is only 1000 pandas left in the world and that pandas don't just eat bamboo like many people think. I really liked this project and I hope that we will do a project like this again.

Here is our project. Hope you like it. Smile



Tališ er aš flugdrekinn hafi veriš fundinn upp ķ Kķna fyrir um 200 įrum f. Kr. Žar sem efni fyrir byggingu flugdreka voru ašgengileg: silki fyrir segl sem loftir drekanum frį jöršu, snęri til aš halda drekanum föstum og bambus til aš halda seglinu śtbreiddu. Flugdrekinn var upprunalega notašur ķ hernum en hefur hann nś veriš notašur til margs annars eins og til gamans og til rannsaka. Įriš 1972 flaug Benjamķn Franklķn flugdreka sķnum ķ žrumuvešri til aš sanna aš žaš sé sama efni ķ eldingu og ķ rafmagni sem framleitt er į rannsóknarstofu.





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Hafšu samband